Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Concepcion a Cub....Longterm

As I reported earlier in the season, Cuban prospect Gerardo Concepcion is with the Cubs.  The left-hander has now signed a five year major league contract with the organization.  This is the payoff the defect was looking for when he left for the USA.

"One of our focuses has been on continuing to bring in pitching depth, and he's a 20-year-old left- hander, really good feel for pitching, three-pitch mix, has had success at a really young age in Cuba," general manager Jed Hoyer said. "He's a guy we're excited to bring over here and work with."

This continues to be a move that I see bringing depth in pitching for the Cubs that will aid them going forward in the coming years.  His big league potential needs to be harnessed in and a few mechanics need to be improved but having done all this he definitely exudes the tools of a major leaguer.  Having gotten a chance to watch some tape on the kid he has a big motion and can be a little wild but given all of the resources of teaching and tools and the big league level he will certainly be harnessed in a little bit and improve in a short period of time.

ESPN is reporting the details of the contract to be...The 20-year-old is guaranteed $6 million in the deal. There is a $3 million signing bonus, with the other $3 million spread out over the length of the contract.
Also courtesy of ESPN here is a video from Mesa, AZ of Jed Hoyer discussing his reaction to the signinghttp://espn.go.com/video/clip?id=espn:7673834 

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